Tuesday, May 12, 2015

5 Life Events

     I read somewhere that the life you live today can be traced to 5 events.  There might just be some truth to that.  I am going to see if I can do it over the next 5 days.  Now, I want to start by saying that these are in NO particular order as meeting my husband is clearly the event that had the greatest impact on my life.
      Event #1 starts back in 2009 when I first became involved with the Queen Creek Performing Arts.  Jake had expressed interest in theater.  Michelle Hufford and I decided to have Jake and Noelle audition for "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".  Little did we know you needed to schedule an audition - we were there for hours.  Michelle- I do not know if you remember how excited we were when we found ring pops at the bottom of my purse!  Needless to say- Noelle made the cast, Jake did not.  Well, we went back the next year and Jake was cast as a lead in "Brother's Grimm".  I was hooked again.  I had not been actively involved in theater for 12 years.  The last show I had done was "Anything Goes" with MCC when I was pregnant with Caitlin.  Following "Brother's Grimm" were dance rehearsals for "Hairspray". I went with the intention of helping Jake but before I knew it I was auditioning myself and my life back in the theater began again!!!!
     The "event" though was not the show or even shows that followed but rather the friendship that sparked with Molly Jacobs.  During "Hairspray" we quickly learned we had a kindred spirit.  We have been close ever since.  Our friendship has taught me a lot about myself and given my life experiences I would not trade for the world.  Her friendship has lead to many other treasured relationships in my life and the experiences we have had together have changed me- all for the better.  Wait- isn't that a line from a broadway show???? Name that song!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Day 4

I am not sure what happened to my previous post so I am trying again.  I have to say finding time has been a bit of an issue but I think that is the theme of my life.  I am always trying to put 50 hours into a 24 hour day. People think I am crazy with all the things that I do, but honestly I love what I do so why would I want to slow down?
Today I was reflecting on one aspect of my busy life - fitness.  My passion with movement goes back to birth- I was always dancing and singing so fitness was a a natural progression.  When I learned that I could get paid to teach dance classes I knew I had found my career.  I started under the guidance of some of the best in the business- Deborah Yates, Merleen Sullenes, and Karen Holden- people I still call friends today.  Recently the internet has brought back to life the fitness competitions of the 1980's- that is how I spent most weekends in high school.  I traveled around with Deborah to all the fitness events with her kids.  We spent a lot of time at the mall!  I then began teaching classes of my own at AVAC- and now 27 years later I am still at it.  I no longer have the g-string leotards with shimmer tan tights (or the 18 year old body that could wear things like that) but the passion I had then is still the passion I have now.  Fitness has provided life long friendships and memories.  It has opened doors and given me experiences I forever thankful for.  Today was just a reminder of my love of all things fitness!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Day 2 of My First 30 Days

One thing I try to do as much as possible is to try new things.  I think when I was younger I was so worried about failure that I limited myself to do what I knew I would be good at - not a very good life strategy.  So, now at 40+ I am challenge myself to try new things.
Wednesdays have quickly become one of my favorite days of the week.  After work, I head to one of my favorite places- the theater.  Right now I am working with Tracie Jones for voice and then take a great tap class at AYT.  Now, I know with my current foot problem this is not a good idea but ......
In tap class, I am the oldest one and not by just a few years.  I think the age difference is nearly 30 years but that is OK.  I still love it!  Tracie is helping me to develop my voice- something I have always wanted to do.  So my advice-ask yourself what you have always wanted to learn how to do and start doing it!


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Day 1 of the First 30 Days

For years I have wanted to start a blog.  Certainly those that know me know that my life can be a bit of soap opera at times.  I have been married for twenty years, have four kids, a full time job, a part time job and just recently left the classroom after teaching for 15 years.  My life is a constant journey.
Last week I watched a TED Talk that really spoke to me.  Now, I must disclose I am mildly obsessed with TED Talks, but this short 3 minute video really spoke to me.

Matt Cutts: Try Something New for 30 Days

(As I get better I will embed the video into this!)

I went onto make a list of possible 30 day challenges - trust me I have enough to fill a year- but I am starting here.  So, for the next 30 days I am going to blog daily.  I am not completely sure yet the direction this will take as I have so many things I am passionate about but I hope to narrow it done a bit in time.

I am happy to report I have others who have accepted the 30 Day Challenge and I have also started a Facebook group if you want to join- 30 Day Challenges.  Let the journey begin- today!